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faux fox keyboard 3DP case


A 3D printed case for the faux fox keyboard.

SKU: 101 Category: Tags: , ,

A 3D printed case for the faux fox keyboard. This comes with a switch plate body, bottom plate, and all the necessary standoffs and screws.

Please specify what you will be using for the center component (nothing, an OLED, a rotary encoder, or a pimoroni trackball), and we will include the appropriate center cover.


Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 24 × 12 × 2 cm
Center Feature

None, Rotary Encoder, OLED, Pimoroni Trackball

Rotary Encoder - Left

None, EC11, EVQ Roller Encoder

Rotary Encoder - Right

None, EC11, EVQ Roller Encoder


High Pro, Low Pro


Baby Blue, Beige, Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Dark Purple, Forest Green, Gold, Gray, Green, Lavender, Muted Red, Navy Blue, Orange, Purple, Transparent, White, Yellow

Wireless Switch Hole

Yes, No

Number of Columns

5, 6