So, have you read about the v1 faux fox keyboard (ffkb)? Click here to read that first.
Now, let’s note the differences below:
- There is no longer an integrated controller version. You need to use your own MCU (byomcu)
- This one now supports choc and MX hotswap on the same pcb, while sacrificing no features otherwise!
- This pcb now supports the cirque trackpad, kit available as an add on
Otherwise, same keyboard!
To make this a complete kit, remember to also add:
- faux fox keyboard v2 case
- hotswap sockets (4 sets if building a 36 key, 5 sets if building a 42 key)
Optional components:
- cirque trackpad kit
- per key leds (optional, 4 sets for 36 key, 5 sets for 42 key)
- rotary encoders (optional, either EC11 or EVQ)
- rotary encoder caps (optional)
- OLED (optional, but note that it currently can’t be mounted along with the cirque)
Important note: At the time of publishing this page (May 14th, 2022), there is a known issue with Cirque and AVR based MCUs. So, if you plan on using the Cirque, you cannot use a pro micro or an elite-c. An example of a processor that will work this is the STeMcell, since it uses an STM32 processor. I have these available as add-ons, so please be sure to purchase one if you plan on using the Cirque.