This is a 33 key game pad with tons of features and VIK support.
Main features:
- Support for the VIK interface. See this github page for details.
- Integrated RP2040 controller
- 4, 8, or 16 MB storage (depending on flash availability)
- Pre-soldered per key led support
- MX, choc, and KS-27/KS-33 switch support (hotswap only)
- Note that as of this writing (2024-01-27), the case only supports MX.
- If you are interested in a choc or KS-27/KS-33 case, please reach out to sadekbaroudi in the fingerpunch discord
- An optional rotary encoder (EC11) in the top right key position
- 3 way thumb switch support
- Audio buzzer (pre-soldered on the PCB)
- Foot switch via TRRS
- Break out pins for
- GP28 and GP29
- USB-C pins (in case your port breaks, you can fix it!)
- SPI pins
- I2C pins
- Power pins (3v3, 5v, and GND)
Cases are open source, and available here:
To make this a complete kit, you will need:
- A kucheza case
- Not available for sale here yet, but see the fingerpunch github repository for stls
- hotswap sockets (4 sets)
- If you want to use KS-27 or KS-33 switches, you will need to get the hotswap sockets elsewhere
- reset switch (included)
Optional components:
- For a foot switch
- TRRS jack (included free by request)
- Foot pedal with two wires (tested with this one)
- This must be hand wired, see product images for reference
- rotary encoder (EC11)
- a rotary encoder cap
- 3 way thumb rocker/toggle switch
- 5 way navigation
- switch for d-pad
- 3D printed cap (STLs available here)
- This listing is for the PCB only